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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Santa Claus Pictures & Wiki

Santa Claus, also known as Saint Nicholas, Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, or simply "Santa" is a figure with legendary, historical and folkloric aspects, as in many Western cultures, is said to bring gifts to the homes of good children in the late evening and night hours of Christmas Day, is December 24.The modern figure derived from the Dutch figure of Sinterklaas, which in turn can have a portion of its foundation in hagiographical tales of historical figures of the donors to Saint Nicholas. An almost identical story is attributed by the Greek and Byzantine folklore to Basil of Caesarea. Basil is the first feast day January is considered the time for exchanging gifts in Greece.

Santa Claus is generally depicted as a plump, jolly, white bearded man wearing a red jacket with white collar and cuffs, white-collar red pants and black leather belt and boots (pictures of him rarely has a beard without a mustache). This picture was popular in the United States and Canada in the 19th century due to the significant influence of caricaturist and political cartoonist Thomas Nast. This image has been maintained and reinforced through song, radio, television, children's books and movies. The North American depiction of Santa Claus, which was developed in the 19th and 20 centuries, in turn, influenced the modern idea of Santa Claus, Sinterklaas and Saint Nicholas in European culture.

According to a tradition that can be traced back to the 1820s, lives Santa Claus at the North Pole, with a large number of magical elves and nine (originally eight) flying reindeer. Since the 20th century, popular in the idea that in 1934 the song "Santa Claus comes to town," Santa Claus is expected to make a list of children throughout the world, categorizing them according to their behavior ("naughty" or "nice") and to give gifts, including toys and candy for all the good boys and girls in the world, and sometimes coal to naughty children in a single night of Christmas Eve. He achieves this feat with the help of the elves who make toys in the workshop and reindeer that pull his sleigh.

Santa Claus Beautiful Pictures

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